Food Habits Post #3 – Vegan Sunday #2

I was more mentally prepared this week than last week for Vegan Sunday. Still, it snuck up on me. Saturday night, I was like, “Oh crap, I’m eating vegan tomorrow.” However, I still hadn’t bought anything specific, like veggie burgers or tofu, to make my dining more creative or inspirational.

I woke up famished this morning and made a big bowl of quick granola. Here’s how I made it: I heated a saucepan with oil and a cup of oats, waited for it to get a bit brown and crispy, and added some peanut butter and honey. It was fast, yummy, crunchy, and filling. Unlike the last Vegan Sunday, when I only ate a 1/2 cup of oats for breakfast, I used a full cup of oats this time, with added peanut butter and nuts for nutrition. I also had a banana. I was so full afterward, which is odd for me in the morning. I’m always hangry!

For lunch, I had a salad and a pb&j sandwich. Boring!

Dinner was stir fry, just like last week, but I used a bottled peanut sauce from Wegmans and added extra peanut butter, which was less half-ass than last time. I also had watermelon Peeps for dessert (oops, Peeps are not vegan) and some peanut butter crackers later in the evening. I didn’t eat that much all day.

Last Vegan Sunday, I felt hungry, like I was missing something, for most of the day. This time, it’s like my body “knew” that I would eat lighter today, and I felt full. That could have been the massive bowl of granola I made for breakfast that sustained me for the rest of the day, or it could be that I’m getting accustomed to eating less.

Admittedly, I am aware that I eat entirely too much peanut butter. But I eat like a 10-year-old. I probably eat more chicken nuggets than any other adult on the planet. One of the weeks, I’ll plan better for Vegan Sunday. I cannot promise that it will be next week.