
This year, I’ve been trying to improve my outlook, my attitude, and my life. I’ve been reading books about habits: essentially if you change small habits throughout your day, you will change your life. I’m currently reading BJ Fogg’s book, “Tiny Habits.” Fogg discusses a woman who wakes up every morning at 4:30 a.m. to…

Be a Volunteer!

One of my goals in 2020 is to volunteer more often. I don’t volunteer much. Here’s why: I don’t like boring volunteer shifts where I sit around watching the clock. I don’t like long volunteer shifts. An ideal length of time is maybe 1.5 hours. After that, I get antsy. I don’t want to be…

Gradations of Life

When I was in college, I could be happy listening to music in my room and chilling out. I didn’t need to be doing anything major. Why? I had a big goal: to finish four years of college. It was nice to have forced goals back then; adult life is sort of aimless. Wouldn’t it…

New Years Purging – Clothes

A year ago, around the holidays, I had some idle time off of work, so I started getting rid of clothing that I didn’t wear, Marie Kondo style! I’ve bought a lot of clothes over the years. However, I have been unable to wear most of it. I have a sensitivity to many fabrics. I…

Not Dollar Tree #1: Morning Routines

I’ve been posting about Dollar Tree for nearly a year. There may be a few more Dollar Tree Dining posts, but I’m transitioning to new topics. I have several things I’ll be writing about. But right now, I’m thinking about morning routines. I woke up early this morning with the best of intentions: I was…