Chocolate Avocado

I wrote a poem about avochocolate when I was 19 years old (I had to open a word-perfect document to access it!) I didn’t get chocolate avocado dip at Dollar Tree, but it did cost $0.99 at a local grocery store! Avochocolate What if Rather than the beloved Cocoa plant, Avocado was our exploited delicacy,…


This year, I’ve been trying to improve my outlook, my attitude, and my life. I’ve been reading books about habits: essentially if you change small habits throughout your day, you will change your life. I’m currently reading BJ Fogg’s book, “Tiny Habits.” Fogg discusses a woman who wakes up every morning at 4:30 a.m. to…

Goals – an Update!

I had a lot of New Year’s Resolutions this year! Here’s an update: Volunteering: I want to volunteer at least twice a month in 2020: once each month at the animal shelter, and one additional time. In February, I volunteered for a race for the first time. Volunteering at a race is more fun than…

Saving $ Tree

I haven’t posted about saving money in a while, but I do think of myself as thrifty (somewhat). Here are some things I do to save money: I don’t have many regular bills. I even tried to cancel Sirius XM but they keep giving me discounts! My gym membership is cheap. The upgraded membership includes…

Be a Volunteer!

One of my goals in 2020 is to volunteer more often. I don’t volunteer much. Here’s why: I don’t like boring volunteer shifts where I sit around watching the clock. I don’t like long volunteer shifts. An ideal length of time is maybe 1.5 hours. After that, I get antsy. I don’t want to be…

Hello Fresh #2

I am having so much fun with Hello Fresh! These boxes are kind of like vegetarian cooking lessons, except I don’t have to stand around in a class with an annoying instructor and wear a stupid apron. My next attempt at Hello Fresh was Chickpea-Powered Mediterranean Couscous. Again, it was an easy “bowl.” Many of…

Gradations of Life

When I was in college, I could be happy listening to music in my room and chilling out. I didn’t need to be doing anything major. Why? I had a big goal: to finish four years of college. It was nice to have forced goals back then; adult life is sort of aimless. Wouldn’t it…


I have seen Afterpay pop up all over the place lately. You can buy your $100 eye cream, and then you have 8 weeks to make payments on it. You don’t even need a credit check to sign up! They make money at least two ways: 1. When you miss a payment, they get a…